5 Natural Approaches for Controlling and Repelling Flies

As the warmer seasons arrive, so too do uninvited flies. You’re probably wondering how to get rid of flies at this point. They can be more than just nuisances; these tiny insects can pose health risks, as they are known carriers of various diseases.

This post on natural fly pest control by pest exterminators provides several effective remedies readily applicable in our living spaces. Let’s delve into five such eco-friendly, efficient tactics for controlling and repelling flies from your abode.

Install protective screens

Let’s start with the basics. If you’ve got windows and doors that you like to leave open, it’s a smart move to install some protective screens. Think of them as bouncers for your home; they keep the flies out but let the fresh air and sunshine in. Just make sure you pick screens with a small enough mesh size; otherwise, the tiny flies could slip through.

It’s also important to check these screens regularly – a small tear might not seem like a big deal to us, but to a fly, it’s an open invitation. It’s worth noting that stainless steel mesh screens are the way to go. They’re tough enough to resist damage and can handle whatever the weather throws at them.

Ingredients that naturally repel flies

It’s quite remarkable when you stop to think about it, but many of the ingredients that we use in our everyday life have additional uses, especially when it comes to fending off unwanted visitors like flies. Let’s take a closer look at these natural fly deterrents that not only help maintain a fly-free environment but also avoid the use of potentially harmful chemicals.


Basil, the star of many Italian dishes, plays a surprising role in the world of natural pest control. The aroma that wafts from this herb is anathema to flies. Therefore, having a pot of basil growing near your windows or doors or strategically placing a couple of them on your kitchen countertop can repel flies. As an added bonus, you’ll have a constant supply of fresh basil for your cooking adventures. Now, how’s that for multi-tasking?


With their strong, pungent aroma, you can use cloves when you want to know how to get rid of flies. An age-old trick involves piercing a few cloves into a ripe apple or half a lemon and then positioning this fragrant deterrent in areas where flies congregate, such as your kitchen or dining area. Alternatively, simply place a bowl of dried cloves in each room where flies are a regular nuisance, and observe as their numbers dwindle. Besides being an effective fly repellent, this natural remedy also doubles as a charming and pleasantly aromatic centrepiece.

Mint, lavender and marigold

Aromatic plants, including mint, lavender, and marigolds, are nature’s own ‘no-fly zone’ creators. These plants emit a fragrance that repels flies. Therefore, growing these around your patio or garden can help establish a natural scent barrier that flies hesitate to cross. Dried bouquets of these herbs, placed indoors, double as a decorative element and a fly deterrent. Talk about function meeting aesthetics! 


Cinnamon is often associated with comfort and warmth for many of us, a familiar aroma that conjures images of baked goods fresh from the oven. Intriguingly, this pleasant scent for us is a scent that flies hate, making it a potent weapon in your natural pest control arsenal. Sprinkling cinnamon in strategic locations, especially areas that seem to be frequented by these unwelcome guests, is how to get rid of flies.

Not only does this approach discourage flies from settling in, but it also imbues your home with the inviting and homey fragrance of cinnamon. To enhance the effectiveness, consider using cinnamon essential oil. A few drops applied to cotton balls or diffused throughout the home can create a cinnamon-rich environment that flies are likely to avoid.

Lemongrass and eucalyptus essential oil

The fragrances of lemongrass and eucalyptus are undeniably invigorating, aren’t they? Interestingly, what we find refreshing, flies find unappealing. That’s why these potent essential oils make for excellent fly repellents. You’ll need a few drops of lemongrass and eucalyptus oil and some water. Mix them in a spray bottle and voila, you have a homemade, natural fly repellent.

A light spray around your home, particularly in those pesky fly-frequented areas like the kitchen, bins, or patio, should do the trick. You could also use an aroma diffuser to spread the fragrance throughout your home, creating an environment that’s unwelcoming to flies. As a bonus, your home will be filled with a lovely scent that’s likely to earn you compliments from your house guests. However, a word of caution: these oils are potent, so a little goes a long way. And if you have pets or young children, make sure to keep the spray bottle and diffuser out of their reach.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has an uncanny attraction for flies, drawn by the smell of fermentation. However, it’s a deadly attraction if you play your cards right. Pour some into a jar, add a few drops of dish soap, and secure a perforated lid or plastic wrap with holes on top. The flies will be lured in by the scent but find themselves unable to escape, effectively trapping them. It’s another simple yet effective fly pest control method.

Store food properly

All pest exterminators will tell you that food is the primary factor that draws flies into our homes. These insects have an uncanny ability to sniff out edibles, making our homes their favourite destinations. Ensuring that all your food items are adequately stored can massively cut down the fly presence.

Store food items, especially perishables, in sealed containers. Make it a habit to clean up any spills as soon as they occur to avoid leaving a feast for flies. If you have a fruit bowl, ensure it doesn’t contain overripe fruit. Flies are practically magnetised by the aroma of rotting fruit – it’s the perfect invitation for a fly fiesta.

Clean regularly and dispose of garbage

Regular cleaning is another crucial preventive measure in your fight against flies, according to pest control experts. Unwashed dishes, sticky countertops, uncovered bins – all these are equivalent to a red carpet welcome for flies. By maintaining a clean home and disposing of rubbish correctly, you effectively rob these pesky pests of their favourite breeding grounds. Regular cleaning also ensures that flies are not attracted to leftovers, helping maintain a healthy and hygienic environment in your home.

Use fly traps

Flying pests can quickly turn your home from a haven into a buzzing nuisance. But worry not, as there are a range of efficient fly traps at your disposal. These vary from store-bought to DIY versions, each having its unique attributes.

Commercially-available traps like flypapers and window stickers have stood the test of time, providing an easy and cost-effective method of catching and eliminating flies. However, don’t discount the power of homemade contraptions. With common items such as a jar, sugar water, a paper funnel, and some dish soap you can set up a trap that lures flies and keeps them from escaping.

There are also options that enlist the forces of nature or science. If you lean towards natural solutions, you might opt for a Venus Flytrap, a carnivorous plant that’s as fascinating as it is practical. For those who appreciate technological solutions, light traps can be an effective addition to your anti-fly arsenal. And let’s not forget about the simplest of tools: sticky traps, a foolproof choice that rarely disappoints. The key to these traps is regular maintenance – ensuring they’re clean and replaced when necessary.


Simple measures such as installing screens, utilising nature’s repellents, maintaining cleanliness, storing food appropriately, and employing fly traps can decrease fly presence. But if a stubborn infestation persists despite these efforts, it’s crucial to hire pest control services. Pest control experts possess the necessary experience to manage substantial pest problems safely and effectively how2invest.

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