The Dangers of Not Keeping Your Swimming Pool pH Balanced Consistently

Not keeping your swimming pool pH level balanced can have several dangerous consequences, including skin and eye irritation, damage to pool equipment, and growth of harmful microorganisms and algae.

The pH level of a swimming pool should be between 7.2 and 7.8, which is considered to be neutral. If the pH level is too high or too low, it can cause skin and eye irritation, which can lead to red eyes, itchy skin, and even rashes. The irritation varies with different people, but some reports of severe rashes exist in some parts of the country.

When the pH level is too low, it can also cause respiratory problems, such as coughing, sneezing and asthma-like symptoms. This can be especially dangerous for people with pre-existing respiratory conditions, and for young children, elderly people and pregnant women. One Mesa pool maintenance company discussed a situation with a hotel pool not being properly balanced and caused problems for guests.

Another danger of not keeping the pH level balanced is the damage it can cause to pool equipment. When the pH level is too high or too low, it can cause corrosion and scaling on pool equipment and surfaces, such as the pool’s walls, floor, and plumbing. This can lead to leaks and other equipment malfunctions, which can be costly to repair. Additionally, high pH levels can cause chlorine to be less effective, which can lead to the growth of harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria and algae.

To make matters worse, an unbalanced pH level can lead to the growth of harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria and algae. When the pH level is too low, it can cause chlorine to be less effective, which can lead to the growth of harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria and algae. These microorganisms can cause health issues, such as skin and eye irritation, respiratory problems, and even infections. They can also make the water cloudy and discolored, which can make the pool unappealing and uninviting to swim in.

Plus, an unbalanced pH level can also cause the water to have an unpleasant smell and taste, which can make swimming in the pool unenjoyable. High pH levels can cause a chlorine smell, and low pH levels can cause a metallic smell. This can make swimming in the pool unenjoyable and uninviting.

Wrapping this all up, we can’t stress enough how not keeping your swimming pool pH level balanced can have several dangerous consequences. It can cause skin and eye irritation, damage to pool equipment, growth of harmful microorganisms, and make the water unappealing and uninviting to swim in. It is important to regularly test the pH level of your pool and adjust it as needed to ensure that it is within the safe range. It is also important to hire a professional pool technician to help you with this task, as they have the knowledge and expertise to properly maintain the pH level of your pool and ensure that it is safe and enjoyable for all.

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